Personal Statement

Norm Yip by Josh Lee

Photo by Josh Lee

Name: Norm Yip
Birthplace: Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada
Birthdate: May 3, 1963
Current city: Hong Kong, SAR, China

(as of 29 December 2020)
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Waist: 32 inches
Shoe: 10 US

The strong ego in me is very stubborn. Long ago in my early teens, I remember thinking to myself that I wasn’t the same as my classmates and that I was something different aside from being an Asian minority living in a small rural town in Saskatchewan. It wasn’t even that I was gay, although I didn’t know what it was at the time. I just knew something was different about me, and I secretly reveled in the knowing. Being different was good I remembered saying to myself. But a part of me was loathing it. Why? Because I was not in the right environment. My surroundings were distant to me and I wanted out. Escape. So after traversing the ground of Saskatoon and Toronto, I now realize myself as a Hong Konger. This is where I can dance the waves of creativity and be on my own. To my Self. Although this city took a turn for political turmoil in recent times, I still find the energy here unmatched anywhere else. I cannot read nor write Chinese, but my intuition is powerful, and it has compelled me to stay. This unknown gut feeling has pointed me, guided me in some mysterious way in a city that is entirely counter-directive toward individualism and the fine art artists. It favors productivity over quality, superficial over meaning, speed over relaxation. Why am I here? I believe it’s about coming to a balance, but of one that encompasses personal integrity and having purpose to being on this planet. And to demonstrate that in a very personal way.

This website is really more about me and the work that I do. I have over the years separated it into different portfolios or websites, each with its own focus or genre, but I have decided to pull in the reigns and create a website that is all-encompassing of my work. Please take a look at your own leisure and time in the quiet moments of the day. And if you have any questions, please find me by email though by contact page. I would happy to help in any way possible.
