Artist Statement

After delving into various medium and styles of expression, I have arrived at a language of painting that nearly comes full circle from my earliest works, which I can safely say is abstract expressionism or dare I say a derivative thereof. It may be because I still believe that painting and the act of applying colour onto a flat canvas or surface are rooted in our earliest beginnings, as witnessed in cavemen paintings.

The act of recording and expression is paramount in my work. Mark-making and gesture contains within it meaning and intention on an unconsious level. An unromantic notion prevails: it is what I leave behind in form that is the goal of my existence. I don’t feel it is about love nor compassion. That would be too lofty, but perhaps its a way out of this singular consciousness.

In each of the sections, I have given an account of what the process involved in my thinking, whether consciously or post-rationalised, to the audience.